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tv   ABC 7 News at 5PM  ABC  February 7, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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hiding in a closet. and they're using a camera to show how every second counts whit comes to saving lives. >> this was a chaotic scene. >> crews rescued three children from the home. one child made it out. now, the crew stands in the shad yof a building left in ruins, melted bed frames, and the ashen remains of a place one family used to call home. neighbors tell us the family is staying with relatives. the cause of the fire is under investigation rorkts suggest it it may have been caused by a mattress being placed too close to a space heater. it isn't clear if the family had working smoke detector autos there is a special ed
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teacher charged with abusing two boys tonight the father is talking with our vic lee. he has been charged with counts of abusing children. and there is, the boy went here. the teacher has been placed on administrative leave, turning himself into place plees after being charged with five counts of cruelty to a child, four counts of battery in a school. >> this teacher kicked his chair forward. my son hurt his chest. >> the father of this boy spoke on condition he remains anonymous, his autistic son was enrolled in a special education class taught by the 43-year-old, who has been charged with abusing two boys.
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the district attorney says there are nine criminal counts. >> one kicking the child, then, depriving one of them for food or drink the whole day. >> the 5-year-old's father told us that boy was his son. >> time when it was really warm. my son came home. his face was red. he was like... about to pass out. and to try to hydrate him. >> the parents say they complained not only to her, but school district officials and others in the community. >> unfortunately, the common response was you guys are being too sensitive. this person knows what she's doing and your child is safe. >> the attorney saying they can't trust school officials to do the right thing. >> there is mandatory duty under the california penal code for a teacher, an aide, a supervisor to report suspected child abuse. they can be put into jail up to six months and fined for
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failure to report. >> this is a father's message to other parents who may find themselves in the same situation. >> listen to your instincts if you think something is wrong make sure you do everything that you can to get to the bottom of it. don't trust other people's opinions. >> the superintendent said the school has zero tolerance to violence of any kind. if charges are true, she will recommend that she be fired. she is out on bail and did not return our calls. vic lee abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. and supporters of california same-sex marriage ban vow to continue the fight after a court today ruled the ban is unconstitutional. same-sex couples and
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supporters cheered when the decision was announced this morning. it was a ruling the judge determined that prop 8 prohibiting same-sex marriage in california violates the service. >> i don't care so much about marriage. it would be strange what i care about is the constitution. i care all americans are suited equally under the iz of the law opponents say they'll take the case to the u.s. supreme court to overturn. >> this is really contemporary and out of step with other law out there. in the country z it's out of step with california. >> 53% of the voters pass prop 8 in 2008. >> same-sex marriages are still on hold as this is appealed but for gay couples this ruling is as triumphant as sit emotional.
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and wayne freedman is live. >> they had somewhat expected this decision. what did surprise was weather. this will take place outside. and so much shouting today. and this is over a relationship legality most americans take for granted. >> we realize that this is going to be a long road, none of us are getting married today or tomorrow. >> they're a cullel in every way, legally married. and there is one yn they joined on the steps this morning. >> this isn't s.important to us. this is getting married. one of the big steps you can take. >> the ruling did not please everyone.
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both opponents and supporters expect the supreme court will make the final decision. >> this is the court in the country. and this is of the new law of the land for now, and for couples another layer of consternation after their i dos. >> this is at that time i felt i was an equal human being in the iz of the government. >> appealing to tom watson, both share soon. >> on a scale of 1-10, how good was today? >> 10 for me. >> yeah. it was a 10. >> there is a minute ago, the band playing "don't stop believing". there is reporting
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live, wayne freedman abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. a lot of noise there. >> and how much rain did we get in 24 hours? there is when we didn't get enough rain in the bay area, you'll see there is still sprinkles now as we show you, there is county coastline here, you'll see stuff between moss beach, light returns there is towards hollister, most of the moisture pushed towards tracy. if there is a commute you may be running into problems there. very, very light sprinkles in the north bay here around napa. not a lot going on and these
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are the rainfall totals. three quarters of an inch in st. helena. and right there, you can see 22/100ths in hayward. only 2/100ths in redwood city. there is just over half an nimpblg fairfield. showers goring to woind down but you'll need umbrellas again before the week is over. >> and a short time ago, police arrested a man suspected of shooting an off duty federal agent this morning. the shooting took place just before 6:00 outside of the officer's home in newark. the man fired five shots hitting the 61-year-old agent at least once. his condition is not being released. we're told he's expected to survive. police say the man arrest sad 61-year-old piedmont resident
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dennis bagwell but are not saying what led to this shooting. >> it appears the agent had a confrontation with the suspect. it's unknown if the agent discharged a weapon. this was an off duty incident. >> authorities say he's assigned to san francisco international airport. >> capping a wave of violent crime is top priority for the new police chief. howard jordan held his first news conference saying it's unacceptable to have 20 shootings, five fatal in oakland over the last week, saying his department is well aware whof is causing most of the violence. >> we know there is a feud linked to two rival groups in east oakland and in wefts oakland. we need the community to step forward with information on the acts of violence. >> the chief laid out his plan across a back drop of a table
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strewn with 20 illegal guns confiscate bid officers. he says police will continue focusing on violence in hot spot areas and use outside resources whenever poshl. >> hacker group anonymous is at it again this, time targeting oakland mayor jean kwan and other city officials. the details include home addresses, and birthdays and e mail addresses. city councilman says it's a risk that comes with being a public figure. >> there is we have to make sure we have it over our shoulders and. >> the group says it's disgusted and shocked by the
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way the city handled plotests. -- protests. and still ahead a family is on a frugal mission. coming up why they're vowing not to spend a cent this month. >> and a group shines a spotlight on lead in lipstick exposing a potential risk. >> and there is what the most sodium is not chips. the news continues in one minute.
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today, the cdc reveals that bred contains more sodium but americans eat a lot of bread. nutritionists point out americans can get most sodium
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from processed foods not have fr a salt shaker. top five includes cold cuts, poultry and canned soup autos a davis family is trying to make it throughout the month without spending a time. they stocked up on food on new year's eve and not planning for shopping until march 1. nor using the car. they decided to go for broke here after overspending on christmas. despite their resolve, dad is skeptical. >> yogurt here and a coffee here and a movie and a this and a that adds up fast. i wasn't sure if we can do it. >> after school i thought i wonder if we can go to dollar tree, maybe, then i thought we're not spending money. we have to use things we already had. >> and could she be more adorable? >> saying one of the items they will spend money on is fresh mic for the kids. that takes will power. >> interesting challenge. >> findings on lead in
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lipstick is raising questions tonight about how serious this problem is. >> and what should be done about it. >> how serious it is depends on who you x it has been known to cause birth defects. an analyst found the levels high, twice as high as the previous steady. and in this breath saying it would not find level that's could cause concerns. >> fda has found that many lipsticks contain lead. they have not done a health asisment. they said they're setting limits. to look and say what is the
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best they can achieve? >> more than 400 lipsticks were studied and the campaign urges consumers to purchase only those lipsticks testing on low end. the trade group personal care product counsel did not return our calls. you can find the results going to our web site. >> there is no secret online retailers cut into sales of traditional merchants. now, seattle times is reporting online giant ama conis considering opening a first store in seattle. it is reportedly focused on selling books, e readers and tablets. >> here is a discount many of us may not be taking advantage of. those using triple a for
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emergency assistance may not know it's good for discounts at, for flowers and ftd. triple a reminds us there are a host of discounts offered including get aways and restaurants. and there is a list available under member discounts. many web sites are offering similar deals. >> that is a great deal. >> one of the unusual things is having so much weather. >> this is talking about it it does seem strange here. and there is so many spring like weather. here is a live picture of what it looks like right now. there is really hard to see. clouds outside. we still have some drippy
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weather in spots. there is another live picture from our camera. some resorts i just checked them is not been a big snow maker, light snow now being reported and let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. there are showers and this is very, very light. you can see here this is our own radar and we're carefully tracking moisture there. as you can see we're seeing some light showers, still, lingering this evening. around the monterey bay, most of this shifting out of goil gil roy. we'll see this all winding down into the next hour or two. still, though, mix of rain and snow and there is
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just moving here and there is some mixed precipitation there. not amounting to a lot. could see snow showers and there are temperatures into 50s and 60s there is partial clearing tonight. we do have rain chances coming back into the picture. hawaii surf advisory tomorrow morning now, wave lights eight to 11 feet. we're expecting breakers up to 18 feet. watch out for strong rip currents. so there is a storm system, splitting. part of the energy north and part to the south. we ended up with rainfall that we did there is some gusting winds over the higher terrain.
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that system moving out. clouds just going to be parting. we'll end up with a sunny, warmer wednesday afternoon. warming trend and there is temperatures into 40s with cloud cover. tomorrow morning could see clouds, and patchy fog. temperatures warmer than today. 66 in santa rosa. there is a beautiful day. 67 in salinas. here is the accu-weather forecast. it's mild, and then, warmer. 70 degrees inland. there is cooler friday. saturday, holding in and i'm bringing back a possibility of showers. it's going to be dry. >> not a major system.
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>> no. at least just a possibility of rain. >> yes. >> thank you. >> still head a rescue that turned into a tug-of-war for crew autos then at 6:00 a magic wand promising to save the -- change the lives of diabetic as louing them to monitor blood sugar without
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crews trying to save a hapless deer. the animal somehow fell into the water today and every time the crews tli tried to pull it out it swam away. they had to use a boat to lasso him in. by antlers. got him. the deer checked out and then released back into the wild.
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>> a single mom just made a move to an apartment after four years in a shelter says she's worried she may loser kids. neighbors saw her sons walking around nearly naked in the rain in their apartment complex. williams said she'd been exhausted and was deeply asleep. the kids got out. >> three years, i just work sod hard, slept peacefully. i didn't wake up when they woke up. >> the kids are back with her tonight and she says it's not going happen again but the case is going to be investigate bid cps. >> and a bill board involving the case against ross mirkarimi may go up saying the
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bill board campaign openses the statement it's a quote, private mat yerk the bill board would read domestic violence is never a private matter and offers a hot line number for people to get help. now, the group is triesing to raise 4,000ses today pay for the bill board. >> coming up next, the president meets the nation's science standouts you put me to shame. >> among the honored guests a student from the bay area. >> and oscar sunday is almost here, you can down load our oscars app and challenge your friends. just go to abc 7 look for the link under see it on tv.
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ab at 6:00 silicon valley is outpacing the nation when it comes to creating new jobs. >> and the google employee
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whose arrest helped usher in the arab spring shows what transpired over the last year. >> and more than 100 students got the chance to spend the day at the white house including a local teenager. >> they impressed the president with everything from robots to marshmallows in the state dining room. >> one teenager was among those the president honored this, is video of the 17-year-old senior after she won top honors. >> it's young people like you that make me so confident america's best stays -- days are stuvm. >> this was the second year the white house hosted the science fair, what a thrill for the kids and fun for the president. >> yeah. yes. that is going to do it for us. world news is come next. >> from all of us here, thanks for watching. we appreciate


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